HQ Rest Day.
Alt WOD:
30 Bodyweight Back Squats
1000m Row
30 Burpees
Post time to comments. WOD is from CrossFit Football.
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HQ Rest Day.
Alt WOD:
30 Bodyweight Back Squats
1000m Row
30 Burpees
Post time to comments. WOD is from CrossFit Football.
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Looks like a good WOD. Took yesterday off to observe Gdogs’s bday. Ready to get back to work today.
I appreciate that Stringer. Working to make it a CFNF holiday next year.
Really impressive Shandy and J-Po. Way to participate in the stretching portion of the WOD.
i spent the $21 i had for you for your birthday. sorry.
Jacklyn is a BAMF!
Andy is a BAMF too! 30 squats in a row! badassssss!
That was impressive today! Bet I take your money on the golf course Friday though!