Get your snatch shirt here! Get your orders is! This is a front/back design. The pic on the right is the back.
This is an American Apparel shirt. Very comfy! The order goes in next week. Let Pistol know what you want. (in writing please)
Five rounds for time of:
45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
21 Burpees
Let trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge.
Post time to comments.
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2x black please!
I’d like a large please of the “Strong Like Bull” black.
An excellent 3 word deiptscrion of CF!When I first signed up, I told Cody that what interested me about CF was it sounded fun like the workouts playing sports in high school. There’s no need to find a gym partner to hold you accountable I show up there’s automatically 10 other people I’ll get to know will wonder what’s happened to me if I don’t show up. I automatically have a group of people I can be competitive with as well as myself! I don’t have to think What am I going to do today at the gym?’ or be upset when some idiot jumps in front of me while doing circuit training on the equipment specifically arranged for circuit training!These are the ways I’ve described CF to friends, but I think PE for adults will be a lot easier!
T-Shirts look great. I’d like a large black please.
The back is improving from Friday, I have been stretching out the left hip as much as possible which is where I think this originated as well as the hamstring to take the weight off the glute and lower back and with ice and so on, it is helping. I was tempted to come back in today, but I withheld in order to recover properly and make sure I don’t do it again. I’m tired of these niggles and how much time they can suck from training. I’m thinking about tomorrow or Thursday as a first day back. I’d like to see how it holds up to a couple of days of body-weight WOD’s and then look to get back into lifting etc. next week.
been slacking this week…be in tomorrow for lunch…