
Nice shorts!

TUESDAY 110308

Ten rounds, each for time of:
100 meter Sprint
Rest 90 seconds

Post times for each round to comments.


This Saturday No Excuses CrossFit hosts "A WOD with a Cause".  Please click on the link to the left for more info.  Let's go on a field trip!



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  1. 6am!!!!!

  2. Wod’d in Denver this morning
    10 Minute AMRAP
    7 Burpees
    7 double clap med ball toss (20 lbs)
    11 rounds + 4 tosses
    Kettlebell breathing ladder (53 lbs)

  3. Anything on the board besides running today???

  4. bsawkins says

    First day back today and it went alright. I’m pretty pleased in that I’m only feeling a little stiff at this point. Looking forward to being back in again tomorrow. Did some back squats at 75% and Power cleans at 75% also. Then 21-15-9 Wall ball’s, KB Swings (53lbs) and pull-ups. Took me way longer than it should have done. 6.18.