Congrats to the Great Britts! This was really a battle to the end. There was only a 10lb difference between these two teams' back squat totals. Great job to all!
TUESDAY 110913
Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Try to increase the load on each of the fifteen sets.
Pat Barber: OHS 265lbs, FS 330lbs, BS 370lbs.
Elyse Umeda: OHS 185lbs, FS 195lbs, BS 255lbs.
Duncan Martin (age 13): OHS 85lbs, FS 115lbs, BS 145lbs.
Jack Marks (age 13): OHS 85lbs, FS 115lbs, BS 145lbs.
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Congratulations!! It was great watching ya’ll compete. Very good job to you all!!!
A big thank you to Brad for programming throughout, the competition was a blast and last night’s finale was a real lung buster by the end of the 1,000m row. Huge thanks also to Brad and Kim for the prizes, they are awesome! Thanks to all who came out to cheer the four of us on, it was a lot of fun competing during that.
A shout out to our competition who ran us very close, if I hadn’t of worked in with JT on the back squats, I likely would not have squatted what I eventually did, thanks to him for pushing me to a new PR by 60lbs.
And finally to my Partner who was superb throughout the three weeks, thanks for yet again bringing it home and keeping going when I know you were hurting, your effort and never-say-die attitude is what got us to where we are. I look forward to us trying to defend our crown at some point in the future.
I second everything Ben said…I had a great time competing in this challenge and am already looking forward to the next one.
Congrats Ben and Britt, you guys earned it. And of course, great job to my partner, Peggy! You killed it throughout this competition.
Brad & Kim – thanks for putting on an awesome competition for us and for putting up with all my whining (sorry!). Brad – I really appreciate you pushing me during my workouts.
JT – you’re the best partner ever! Thank you for carrying me thru – you deserve to be crowned up there with Ben & Britt. And congrats to the Great Britts – you guys were awesome and it was fun getting to do the WOD with you yesterday – you really pushed me to keep going.
Thanks to everyone who cheered us on throughout!
How 24hrs makes a difference. Did the WOD today and other than the OHS really struggled after last night’s exploits.
OHS: 205-215-220-225-235
FS: 245-245-250-255F-255F
BS: 255-275-295-315F-315F
Overall disappointed, but last night’s squats make me feel better. Worked out with Greg who did really well including a large PR on the OHS. Good work Greg!
I feel like somebody hit me in the shoulders with a sledge hammer repeatedly. And that’s just when I’m sitting down.
What a fun (probably wouldn’t have used that word on Friday) competition! B & K ~ Thanks for putting this together & drawing Ben’s name as my partner! ; ) You guys went overboard on the prizes; big thanks! Great turnout for the finale; the support & energy from everyone helped me tremendously.
Ben, I don’t have enough positive words to describe your character during this competition. You helped push me to my limits on every WOD with encouragement and support; keeping me going even when I thought I had nothing left to give. I know have a love/hate relationship with the barbell bear complexes. I’ll have to try those again when I have the energy at the start. Last night you pulled off a VERY impressive weight for your BS…unbelievable. And you went in today for some more; love it!
JT/Peggy- you guys pushed me hard last night as we trailed right next to each other the WHOLE time. Great job! I’m glad we got to finish the competition together!!
So much fun to watch! Everyone did a great job.
Maybe it will be kerpow who takes the win next time. I am on juice plus now…