


HQ Rest Day.


5 Burpees

7 KB Swing 70/53

9 OHS 65/45

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  1. Lunch time class was full on Valentine’s….loved seeing the whole Schubert family there…:) The windshield wipers were actually kind of fun..A BIG SHOUT OUT to Scott Law and JPO for letting me partner up for a threeway.(hahaha)..JPO u look HOT when u run and really worked that sledgehammer…….I, on the other hand ,did awful at the sledgehammer…my first time ….and all I could hear was BRAD saying..”OH GOOD GOD !”….and Scott…. your box jumps and pushups look great…missed you Jacklyn….looking forward to overhead squats at lunch tuesday …love the 20 min workouts…really LOVE the big crowds and brutal workouts…hope everyone had a great Valentine’s …

  2. i second the slegehammer fail. i am not really the sledgehammering type.
    andy you were a great partner yesterday; thanks!

  3. hmm…what do you know. A picture of me on my ass while snatching.

  4. Thanks. That’s what she said….sorry easy set up. I hurt alot from those sledgehammers…sore in places I don’t ever remember being sore before.

  5. Missed you too. Out till Wednesday.

  6. Good lunchtime crew again today. Got nowhere near what I thought was possible on this workout: 14rnds +12Rx. Seriously thought 30rnds was on…how deluded am I? Don’t squat before you do this like I did. Shout outs to everyone at lunch for a job well done, especially Christine who was in at 10.30 and eclipsed 10 rnds. Nicely done.
    Word of the day: Oler – as in, “your Oler than me.” LOL! well it made Kim and Brad laugh at lunch…guess you had to be there.
    See you all tomorrow!

  7. Workout was harder than I thought…JPO …u are a beast..great job…my goal was 8 then I changed it to 10 but got 9 rounds RX….Baldwin and Ben did great today….looking forward to tomorrow…see everyone at lunch….:)

  8. Yes lunchtime did a good job. Fun lifting with Spider G-dog, Brad and Kim!
    Rest tomorrow. Back at it again Thursday. SNATCHES!