Nice Front Squat PR Michael.
AMRAP 20 minutes of:
5 thrusters 95#
7 hang power cleans 95#
10 sumo deadlift high pulls 95#
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in case you’re bored at work or home, i came across a pretty good read –
it’s this guy, who was already in pretty decent shape, who ia trying crossfit this summer and he is writing about his experiences. it’s cool to see crossfit from a new person’s perspective.
Hey Katie, thanks, i’ve been reading this guy’s blog ever since you posted this morning, it’s pretty fascinating. And there’s even a reference to a gal at that gym that they refer to as Xena Warrior Princess. I guess everybody’s got one . . . . .
I can go to the game if there is still a ticket available! I need a ride.
woo hoo! glad you can come!! if i am not mistaken i think big ed might still have room (big ed: please confirm).
hey ben, i know you’re going, but do you have a ride?
just an fyi, my car’s group is meeting at the gym at 4, driving to atl to pick up peggy, and we’ll shoot to be in the blue lot around 5:30, just depends on traffic. when are the other groups leaving? most groups will get to the field before us but it would be awesome if one spot could be saved for us 🙂
Thanks Katie – interesting read!
Outstanding! I have a call into Ed on his cell to coordinate and see if he has space for the 2 of us (or I can drive the SUV with plenty o’ room for chairs, coolers and beer) and timing etc.
Worst case, I will see if I can get a parking pass and we can carpool.
For all, my cell is 770-329-8101 for any coordination purposes. GND/Meatball- what is one of your cell numbers since you are riding together to hook up down there. Other cars, feel free to provide data as well.
Michael, Hicky, Kamilah, and I are meeting at the gym at 3:30 to take off. Hopefully leaving at that time we can be at the field by 4:30. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a picnic table underneath the trees! If anyone has corn hole or a fold-up table feel free to supply us with equipment for tailgating fun (flip cup, beer pong)… I’ve got the cards and ping pong balls <~~~ that was not meant to make me an easy target for any Gdog or Miguel dirty jokes... If anyone needs to get in touch with us that gets down there early my cell is 404-895-0757.
i’ve got a few chairs and a folding table that i can bring as well.
my classified digits are 770-845-5639. use them wisely 🙂
Note to all Braves goers – you can only bring soft sided coolers into the stadium, and no glass or cans.
Ed’s got a scheduling problem with work and is actually going to be south of the stadium until about 3PM so I am planning on meeting him around camp creek pkwy to carpool and use his Blue Parking Pass (since no more are available). Amy, we can definitely carpool to meet Ed and then to stadium- how early can you meet (I too was thinking the 3:30 timeframe at theh Gym but can change that based on your availability). Hagler and possibly friend may be joining us as well but she/they may also take Marta.
REALLY nice form Andy and Steph. I think Steph wins best form of the day ;).
It’s been a pleasure folks! The bosses are home now. Whew!
Thanks, Pebbles! Your coaching was amazing! Really concentrating on my form felt good and I can already feel the sore rewards 🙂 Yay for improvements!
3:30 is good.
I also wanted to mention that Sniper topped the boards with an impressive 8 rounds RX. More than any male or female RX today. Way to go.