Thursday WOD


Whit does the push jerk.  ATTENTION:  Vote for your favorite Northside Women’s Trainer, Brad Trego, at !  Let’s help him be Mr. September!

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Post loads to comments.

Alternate WOD: 5 Rounds

1 Hang Squat Clean 95# – 10 Front Squats
1 Snatch 95# – 10 OHS
10 clapping pushups
block run

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  1. ah man… both of these sound fun…
    what to do…what to do…
    Hey Pistol…is there any time I could come in this afternoon? Dr. appt at 11:30. Need to be makin’ da gumbo this evening.

  2. Thats a pretty sadistic alternate WOD there…

  3. Goods new from my morning PT session : My shoulder is getting better and with continued treatment and stretching, I should be back to doing Rx’d WODs by early October.
    In the meantime, it looks like I will be transitioning from my modified workouts towards scaled WODs until my shoulder is healed.
    Hope to make it to the 6pm session tonight if all goes well at work

  4. Austin, thanks for the help 2day on the DLs! And, yes, I owe you one!!! Tregos, thanks for letting me stay. Cycling 2morrow, see yall saturday!

  5. Man! I have to run again!? Did my legs not get abused enough yesterday with the run, jump, squat combo? Is crawling allowed?
    Be there at 6 for my punishment.

  6. I am sore. Rest day will be needed tomorrow…badly.
    No problem Nadler
    Good luck to the night crew!

  7. good job 8:30. Nice work. Great work out. I kept it light at 53lbs and worked on form.
    See ya tomorrow.

  8. Nice numbers on the board today! Nadler you’re making some progress! Hicky, twice a day? As if you weren’t scary enough! I pity the fool that gets in the ring with you! G-dog, I would like pepperoni and mushroom….