Thursday WOD


Nice hands of a true kipper!


Muscle Ups

Back Squat

Wall Ball

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  1. ouchie hands! I think I’ll give the ol’ arms a break today.
    carry on xfitters!

  2. I thought this was a cute video of the box jump. Looked at the muscle up vid…now that’s a six pack!
    And for those that did not see the piano’s a must see. Most fascinating! Have Kim email it to you, or I can.

  3. jeff_btbcrossfit says

    Wow- if someone completes all these M-U’s as RX’d, I’ll buy them a cold one. Anybody do this?

  4. We had one do jumping muscle ups!

  5. Anyone working out at 7a tomorrow?

  6. Jenny..I’ll be there at 12:30, change your time. I’ll bring the wine…grab some beers will ya? Shots between rounds are mandatory to start the holiday weekend. Not joking…..
    BTW…costco is sampling fudge…10 different limit on sampling. Yummmmmy! I had all 10…favorite was the belgian choc with pecans but the cheesecake swirl came in a close second.

  7. kim from crossfit north fulton says

    Cheri, you are sooooo bad, but i love it!!!! hope you saved some for your trainer!!!

  8. wine or fudge???