Thursday WOD

Crossfit_040 Crossfit_041

Congrats to Kamilah, Scott & Hannah!  They all got their first pull up yesterday!


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

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  1. gigi..burpee hater to infinity and Beyond!! says

    This one looks like fun!! I’ll be back in a few days!
    Congrats on the first pull-ups!!

  2. Gigi! how u durrin? We miss you around here! You’ll be proud of me, I drank wine last Sunday! BUT….I’m back on the wagon. See you next week? P.S. Brad said he called Bill.

  3. gigi..burpee hater to infinity and Beyond!! says

    I’ll be back there on Monday!! Just getting ready to go for a bike ride now.
    I’ll be on the wagon myself starting Sunday!
    p.s. just checked with Bill…no call from sweatman! that’s okay…I just cried myself to sleep that night.

  4. Oops! Brad said he called your phone! We didn’t cry but we did get the webcam out for some drunken filming. Remind me and I’ll show ya! See you Monday.

  5. Great job on those pull ups!!!

  6. Way to go pull-up crew…. Now if I can only get my muscle up before Hannah! Pretty impressive for such a slight frame to be knockin’ out pull ups…Congrats!

  7. Sammy – thanks for the pullup props…Oh! You, said ‘Hannah’ – my bad – the “slight frame” comment threw me (and you trying to get a MU before me…)
    Congrats puller-uppers!

  8. Yea for the pull ups. Maybe you guys can help me!
    Still at work tonight. Looking forward to tomorrow’s work out. Anyone up for 7am?

  9. I met Elizabeth today. She’s not very nice. I have a feeling I’m going to be sore tomorrow. glad it’s my rest day.