Thursday WOD



Burpee-thrusters with dumbbells
SDHP (95lb)

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  1. Happy early birthday girls! Do you need a final headcount for Saturday at Maggiano’s? I have a city finals tennis match that day at 3:30, but would love to come by after…lemme know!
    See the 8:30 group tomorrow morning!

  2. Cool. We will plan on seeing you saturday. 7:30pm and we will reserve a spot for you.

  3. Wicked workout today- well done hicky and robin…nearly took Max out- poor thing- dumbells don’t take too well to sweaty hands! Looking forward to Saturday should be nice and messy- shame hicky can’t be there, but at least I’ll be there to represent the brits 🙂

  4. I really…really suck at HSPU’s
    I wish my arms were shorter and my neck was longer 🙂

  5. where do I sign up for dinner on Saturday? is it too late?

  6. Austin – you are too funny!

  7. Happy Graduation Hicky. Have a safe trip to England and we look forward to your safe return.In the meantime, I am going to feel better next week not getting my A$$ kicked by you 🙂

  8. Austin
    Nope. It is not too late.
    We now have 11 confirmed and a few maybe’s.

  9. Challenge results are UP!!
    Sign up for CFNA’s myspace if ya gots one:
    Selling copies of Dan’s Godfather poster (cheap cheap), email me if you’re interested.
    Also – Tommy’s competing in the CF Games in 2 weeks… we’re accepting donations for him if anyone wants to chip in!
    Last but not least, Austin McLean is one of the most awesomest people on the planet! (did y’all know he was the FIRST person to show up to help?… morning of the party, having jitters that no-ones going to show up LOL he was there)
    Thanks Austin for all your help Saturday at the Challenge.

  10. Austin M says

    I am loved