John meets Christine!
If today is not your rest day your WOD will be:
600 m row
10 double unders
10 sit ups
500 m row
20 double unders
20 sit ups
400 m row
30 double unders
30 sit ups
300 m row
40 double unders
40 sit ups
200 m row
50 double unders
50 sit ups
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Sweet Cardio Work out. That will get your heartrate up. 29:09. THANKS 6am crew for the motivation. It was fun to work out with this crowd. Hickey…good to see you again.
I changed this workout this morning to lower rowing numbers! The 6am crew did the higher numbers. Good job Pebbles with the top time!
Thanks for changing it up Pistol. Less rowing much appreciated – though the DU’s sans shoes do not feel too good on the toes… maybe next time I’ll bring shoes. 20:23 Rx
Great job Pebbles and Spidy.
Looking forward to my Sammy fix on Friday.
Decided to torture myself more and ran another 5K today. 31:00. Not bad for a Clyde.
See you tomorrow.
Hi guys, I did a short video from Fight Gone Bad for Cushing’s Disease Awareness, you can check it out at
I have lots of extra clips of ya’ll that I did not get a chance to use, so if you want me to send some to you let me know!! 🙂
Thanks again for making the drive out here to help us out!!