If today isn’t your rest day your WOD will be:
400 m run
10 TGU
25 box jumps
50 wall ball
25 pull ups
50 double unders
25 burpees
50 squats
10 TGU
400 m run
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Share on FacebookIf today isn’t your rest day your WOD will be:
400 m run
10 TGU
25 box jumps
50 wall ball
25 pull ups
50 double unders
25 burpees
50 squats
10 TGU
400 m run
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This is an example of a widget area that you can place text to describe a product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.
Click the Green SugarWod “WODS” Button on the front page to see the WOD! Share on Facebook
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Should have chose the day off. Just kidding. Great WOD.
My coffee was not quite settled this AM so I had a little trouble.
31 min.
Bodyfat competition ends tomorrow. Not for me though, I am going to continue the block diet, only adding in beer. It is a great way to eat and live.
Kim Trego looks awesome. Check out those legs!
Looking forward to Fight Gone Bad in a couple weeks. Whose In???
Ice, Ibuprofen, wine and a candlelit dinner is my WOD today.
Hate to miss those burpees today….hahaha!
Carry on!
G-Dog…we smoked that WOD today!
Amen Christy!..I hear you are kicking butt too! Anxious to hear about your cert. experience! Sounds like you had a killer weekend. I’ll be “leaning out” for awhile myself, so we can be low bodyfat buddies, even after the competition, k?!
Did this WOD at my clubhouse. Substituted 20 TGU’s for 10 man makers. Haven’t had the pleasure of learning the TGU’s yet. Also, did 50 DB ROWS instead of pullups. 27. Good workout!
Very cool workout… thanks for naming it after me 🙂
Pistol did it justice and blazed through in just over 21 mins! I think I was about two minutes behind her. Those wall balls are lethal.
Bill was a animal today too. I was very impressed…
Well done everyone.
This workout was super fun and affectionately named “hicky”! Thanks for letting me work it out today ya’ll! Good job Hicky and Bill!
Glad it’s my day off – though I think I will do this one from home later – with a few substitutes..
400 ml Stella (~1)
10 more Stellas
25 oz. Bone-in rib-eye (medium-rare)
50 paces b/t grill and fridge (for Stellas)
25 bites
50 deep breaths
25 burps
50 bites of vanilla ice cream
10 GSC’s (Girl Scout Cookies…thin mint, of course)
400 ml Stella
Whats up Brad, Kim, CFNf. Just checking out the site and everything looks great. I think I am going to come Sat. and pay visit, look forward to seeing you all again. Take care, Detrick.
Brad…did Kim nark on me? Okay so I ordered a few boxes of thin mints. They are for a friend!!
Thanks for the diet reccomendations. Sounds like you are the definition of FIT.
Sherri…I’m with ya.