Thursday-HQ Rest Day

Team WODs are great fun and push you harder many times!


In teams of 2:
Complete 100 reps of:
Hang Squat Cleans, 25/15# DB
Tire Jumps
KB Swings, 55/35#
400 Buddy Carry (sub farmers walk 45/35# DB  for buddy carry)

**Team members  must wait for each member to finish their reps before switching stations
This can be done in any order BUT the 400m Buddy carry is done at the end. 
It is one lap around the building and you carry buddy half way.


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  1. Stringer says

    I should be able to do all of this. I’ll be in at 5, anyone need a partner?

  2. Lots of fun with this WOD this am. Good job 8:30. Good WOD Meatball!!!

  3. Thanks for the snatch advice, this morning, Meatball, and thanks for staying to open up the gym for the lone 6am-er . . . . where is everybody, anyway????