Thursday – Happy Birthday Whit Knoll!

CFNF leads a class at the Roswell Police Departments Health and Wellness clinic. 

AMRAP – 15 Minutes

3 Push Jerk 135,95

5 Burpees

7 KB Swings  (70,53)

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  1. yaay burpees! This WOD sounds fun.

  2. Happy Birthday Whit!
    Cool WOD.

  3. Bump Burpees!!!….But Happy Birthday Whit!!

  4. Not gonna make 8:30. Meeting at school this am. Se ya this afternoon for probably 5:30.

  5. Happy Birthday Whit! And great to see Peaches this morning!!! I was dragging but thanks goodness it was only a 15 min amrap.

  6. Happy Birthday Whit!!!!!!!! and to my twin boys who are 27 years old today!
    I said to one of them, “damn you’re old” and he said to me:
    “you think i’m old? you should see my mom!!!!!”

  7. Happy Birthday Whit!

  8. I will kick his butt!!! which one?

  9. 7 rounds today rx…hate kettle ball swings…but Jacklyn was a good workout partner…liked the push press…grateful there were no pull-ups….my hands just healed up….I am up to 14 marks on board…really felt great to sweat today… I come!!!

  10. Stringer says

    11 rounds plus 3 RX…awesome lunch time workout!

  11. Quite a WOD. 11 plus 3 plus 3 RX. Nice to see the evening crowd. Lots of new faces. Fun!
    See ya tomorrow.

  12. You, Pistol, Bostic and Stringer crushed it today!