Thursday – Happy Birthday Karen!

 Nice Chest to Bar, Bizkit!

*******No Classes this Weekend********

No classes Saturday and Sunday as all our instructors will be competing for the Affiliate Cup at the CrossFit Sectionals for the CrossFit Games out at Stone Mountain.  Wish us luck!  Go CFNF!

4 Rounds for time:

5 man-makers – 400m run


Happy Birthday, Karen!!!

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  1. Hmmm. was coming to WOD this am but it is 24 degrees. May decide to do 11:30.
    Happy Birthday Karen.

  2. Uh…what’s a man-maker?

  3. It’s a burpee on steroids!

  4. Giddyup! As if burpees don’t suck enough…the only way I can think of making a burpee worse is to wear a weight vest and a pullup in place of a jump-up!
    See y’all at noon.

  5. Oh its much worse than that! And also class is at 11:30 today.

  6. We have lacrosse games so I can’t make it in today. I will have to do this at school during my lunch. What weight should we use on the man makers?

  7. Xena is my hero! Rx Baayyyyybeeeee in below freezing temps!

  8. Hatemakers earned their name!!!!

  9. Hate-makers, man-makers, whatever the hell they’re called, they were almost pukie-makers. I scaled down to 25lbs in recognition of my newbness and slogged through in 18:50 and change.

  10. Thanks, girl! I’m just now warming up!!!

  11. What’s the women’s weight on the man makers?

  12. 35 lb db’s

  13. Thanks. Did this outside on the track. Finished in 13:20. Sucked in a fun kind of way!

  14. 25 lbs — I think.

  15. wrong. 20lbs. and that was quite enough, thanks.