Thursday – Happy Belated Birthday, Kathy Simpson!

Great to have Jpo back in the gym!  And Otis thinks so too! 

7 Rounds

3 Deadlift (275,185)

6 Ring Dips

9 Box Jumps 

Cash out:  100 Double Unders for time.

Post time to comments.

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  1. Hey Buzz….wake up!

  2. I am going to hate the double-unders….my time will suck …but my BADUMF’s will make great time…you KNOW who you are…..:)…didn’t get a workout in on wednesday so going to try to double up on thursday….lunchtime for me….if I do 2 workouts…does that count for 2 tally marks for attendance…??? Just asking?? hope to see some peeps in the gym tomorrow..(.being cinco tonight and all.)..looking forward to a kickass workout…just a last minute shoutout to Xena and Jpo for coming to see me at Stoney tonight…beautiful ladies…I will buy you ladies drinks anytime…:)

  3. hahahahaha – JPo and I are still laughing about that:)

  4. Thanks cute girl for the cosmos! We had a lot of fun with you and your friends:)

  5. I think I told everyone at my office about The Donalad!! Too Funny!
    Hagler as always thanks for a great night and CFNF…SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Happy to be back even if I feel like I am starting all over again!
    See you tonight!

  6. thanks to brad and everyone for cheering me through those hspu’s. i appreciate it!