10 Rounds:
3 Jerks (75% Bodyweight)
6 Swings 53/35
9 Burpees
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10 Rounds:
3 Jerks (75% Bodyweight)
6 Swings 53/35
9 Burpees
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Today’s wod…..
Great Brits vs. Lil Blake/Pebbles
Jt/Peggy move on to the finals on Saturday and face the winner of todays wod.
Looking forward to this (I think 😉 I am going to do this tonight. I have to go get my car this am and have an appt at 11 so I can’t make 11;30. Maybe it will give my shoulders a little rest too. This challenge is pushing me a lot mainly due to my super awesome teammate. I wish I had been doing what Blake does at age 15. He is going to be a Games Rockstar for sure.
How much did we lose by? I really let the side down yesterday with my time. Looking forward to making up for it today though!
don’t sweat it, you are tearing up the WOD’s lately. great job in the comp!
i think Stringer is your biggest fan Ben….:)
I thought my legs were going to be killing me today, but apparently my stomach actually did do some of the work on the GHD sit ups yesterday – I am definitely feeling it in my tummy!
And I agree with Pebbles – Lil Blake is definitely a Rockstar and will be killing the games one day. Good luck to everyone today!
Good job Ben and Britt. Good luck tomorrow. It looks fun…aka awful 🙂 Thanks for counting Brad and thanks for the support G and Blake and Meatball. Sorry your back is hurting Blake but we couldn’t have asked for a better sub! Thanks Kevin 🙂
The WOD went way slower than I expected but at least I am glad to know that I can jerk 133# 30 times along with 60 KB swings and 90 burpees. Whew!
Looking forward to a great week-end. G and I are headed to Athens. Go Gamecocks!
Stringer is my lifting idol so the love goes both ways. If I was half as strong as he is I’d be dangerous.