Jpow did the whole WOD yesterday without a band! Way to go!
400m Run
10 KB Swings 63/35
20 Weighted Step Ups (total) 35/20 db's
30 Double Unders
800 m Run
20 KB Swings
30 Weighted Step Ups
40 Double Unders
400m Run
30 KB Swings
40 Weighted Step Ups
50 Double Unders
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JPOWWW!! Congratulations!!!
Oh yeah JPo! I knew you could do it!
jpo did awesome….so proud!! this workout looks fun…see the usual at lunch…
great job!
Well done JPO!!!
Good going JPO, that was a tough one to do that on, so seeing you stick with it was inspirational. You are now on my wall.
Good work out today. I know that WOD was going to be tough when Kevin was moaning during the step ups. Glad to WOD with Breeze. It was nice not to do it alone. It was really hard today!
Ben, I have two baggies of the Primal Fuel for you already in my car.
See ya tomorrow.LUNCH!
Awesome, thanks Pebbles. Let me know what I owe you for them and then I can bring it with me tomorrow. I appreciate the help and input form both you and Breeze at lunch today.
Thanks for all the shout outs…I will say the competion made me realize i needed to push myself more:) glad I did!
Woo! Go Jenny!