I think he needs a bigger band.
225lb Back Squat
24 in Box Jump
Knees 2 Elbows (touch)
10 Ring Dips
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I think he needs a bigger band.
225lb Back Squat
24 in Box Jump
Knees 2 Elbows (touch)
10 Ring Dips
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This is an example of a widget area that you can place text to describe a product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.
this will be awesome with my legs that still will not move normally. when i walk i look like the alien/people from Men in Black when rigamortis sets in.
I would sooo not trust Brad with a band around me like that. I KNOW he would let go.
Don’t know if I am going to make it as panned at 8:30 today. I love some back squats too!
Thanks, Pistol, for the yoga/stretching this morning. It really helped and I think we should do more:) Great job this morning FJ and Jenny!
a student today is wearing a shirt from abercrombie and on the back it says “swim bike run drink.” he was concerned he would get in trouble for it but he genuinely could not understand why a company would make a shirt like that… he asked really indignantly, “why would anyone want to drink after exercising?”
i didn’t think i could tell him my nickname at my gym was Alcoholic Next Door.
That is awesome – I have to get that shirt for my brother!
psh why wait till after?! try during exercising 🙂
Gee, I wonder how you got that nickname. Just sayin’.
been there, done that… never again 🙂
Yet another awesome WOD AND STRETCHING AT CFNF!!! Sweet!
All around good WOD…8:28 RX.
Did a WOD at home with my wife – she beat me by one second.
50 situps
50 burpees
50 situps
50 walking lunges
50 situps
50 double-unders
50 situps
Times were 15:55 & mine was 15:57.
11:37 Rx