Thursday Happy Birthday Pebbles!!!!



Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps

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April 18th 015
Happy Birthday Pebbles! 


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  1. I love deadlifts…..:)
    See everyone at lunch…Campbell…I enjoyed yelling at you today…I bet you won’t ask me to time you again…:) The boys did great today at lunch..big shouout to Bostic and Ed, Campbell, Miguel, Sammy, Spider, and Whit…great work nooners!!!

  2. SHOUTOUT!!!…lol

  3. Happy Birthday Pebbles!!!

  4. Stringer says

    Happy Birthday Pebbles! See yall at noon or 5:30

  5. Happy Birthday Pebbles! Sorry you and G-Dog are soooooooo old now.

  6. Happy Birthday Pebbles!

  7. Happy Bday Pebbles!! Why are there 40s all over your face? Arent you like turning 32 or something?

  8. Stringer says

    BTW – Anyone interested in doing the Alabama sectional WOD with me again…looks like we did it last time with Deads??

  9. awww….you’re my favorite.

  10. If you are in tonight I will do that.I won’t be in at noon tho.

  11. Happy Birthday Pebbles!

  12. Happy Birthday Pebbles!!!! You are the hottest 40 year old I know!!!!!!!

  13. i dont know what it is, but i’ll join you at 5:30 to do it

  14. Happy Birthday!

  15. can this happen at pebbles’ celebration?

  16. Stringer says

    best lunchtime workout in a long time. Enjoyed the Deads…405×5, but working on better form. Felt great running today. 12:55 RX on the WOD.

  17. Pickles and cheese! says

    Happy Birthday Pebbles!!!!!

  18. Absolutely!!!!

  19. Campbell says

    3 rounds:
    400M run
    20 burpees
    12:03 Rx

  20. bsawkins says

    Happy Birthday Pebbles! Pity today was a rest day, that WOD would have been a good one for me. Deadlifts…like most lifts, would have ruined my day though.

  21. I actually broke 200 today on my lifts….(watch out pebbles)…:) Hating the running but the burpees were a great way to end the workout….16:56rx….looking forward to tomorrow night….:)

  22. Campbell says

    Great job Hagler!

  23. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I feel better at 40 than at 30 for sure. I really value all my friends at CFNF. Thanks for making me laugh, pushing me, supporting me and getting my ass in shape.

  24. Happy Birthday Pebbles

  25. 375 lb deadlift
    11:16 Rx on the WOD