This is the funniest shirt we have ever seen!
1 Round for Time
50 unanchored sit ups
40 burpees (yeah burpees!)
30 KTE
20 calories on the rower
10 TGU
20 calories on the rower
30 KTE
40 burpees
50 unanchored sit ups
This is the funniest shirt we have ever seen!
1 Round for Time
50 unanchored sit ups
40 burpees (yeah burpees!)
30 KTE
20 calories on the rower
10 TGU
20 calories on the rower
30 KTE
40 burpees
50 unanchored sit ups
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This is an example of a widget area that you can place text to describe a product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.
Click the Green SugarWod “WODS” Button on the front page to see the WOD! Share on Facebook
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hahaha! must be Shandy!
What is this..unanchored sit ups
nice pic pebbles looking hot!
woohoo!!! 174 pistols for GND! Great job, Katie!
I forgot to ask GND can you walk today?
Too cold to work out this am! Maybe I will do kid class. Did yall miss me?
After Kelly … after a 20 pound pr on back squats … after 174 pistols … I am taking a day off.
Stephanie, thanks for the props and Jpo, I am moving pretty slowly today – I think tomorrow will be worse; it’s a slow burn 🙂
Great 8:30 class. As usual with burpees I took up the rear on this WOD. Pebbles made up the WOD and beat us all.
Brad hope you feel better. Having an STD at your age can be painful. Maybe you and Shandy should not have had so much to drink that night the “it” happened between the two of you.
LOL…..crying actually
we missed ya wild thing! good core day will want to do this one.
Gdog wins the thread today.
Woah. Icons. I’m way behind.
Fun WOD.
Fun Wod today! Thanks for authoring this one, Pebbles, and nice avatar to boot! Hagler wore my ass out at 2pm. I could see her out the corner of my eye. Thanks for the motivation!
what’s a TGU?
turkish get up – the absolutely awkward moves with a dumbbell in one hand, and you have to go from standing to laying to standing again.
oh right! Thank you!
Yay night crew! Pistol topped the board today and smoked this in > 20 minutes. Nick was right there at 20 minutes with the second best time. AND Jpo was ON FIRE!!!
Jpo, you are taring it up for real.