Kettlebells There's a lot of good swingers in our gym..

Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps

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The Trego Casa is located at 11290 Houze Rd, Roswell GA  30076

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  1. Cool pic!! That girl on the right is lookin’ good. What’s her name? I’m gonna hook up wit dat!

  2. Wow….James Cooke is really starting to bring it on. 140 BS is nice work. I ALSO heard he ran the 800 faster than Hicky the other day in Michael. Hicky , he is going to get you back for beating him at squabble so much!
    My BS was 135-155-165-175-185. My one rep max is 215 so I was hoping to get a little closer to 200 but I could not get the bar quite right this am. I was struggling to hold it solid on my back and the my knees would wobble in a little.
    Everyone have their HALLOweeN COSTUMES????