_DSC0010 There is no smiling or laughing in a CrossFit class!


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Post time to comments.

ATTN:  Affiliate Challenge on May 9th at BTB!  We gotta defend our belt!  Click on the link to the left for more info.

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  1. Somehow I think we got a day off on the burpees (or did we have a bye one day?) — I counted it a few times to be sure but from my numbers today is day 45. I could be wrong, though — counting isn’t my forte.

  2. I am not sure either. I am out of it as I have many other goals to work on and I can do burpees already at least.
    I like what Garrett is doing with push ups. He is doing consecutive push ups with perfect form every day and trying to add one each day. Yesterday he was on 19 but had to stop before 19 so he will be back at 19 again today. Once he gets 19 consecutive with perfect form then he moves to 20 then 21 ect…
    Really good idea. I think I am going to do it with snatches and work up to 30 consecutive 95lb snatches working once or twice a week…not daily. I am going to work on good form and not rush thru it for time like in Isabelle.
    Rest day for me today but I will be in this evening to train a client. Hope to see many of you squat cleaning then.
    Good work on squat cleans this am Robin.

  3. And your burpees look great, Pebbles.
    I will try to remember what you taught me last night when I work on those cleans tonight…

  4. That wasn’t meant to sound patronizing — I think you know what I meant, though. Great burpees.

  5. GND…heavy squat cleans tonight???? 85 lbs for females. YOU CAN DO IT!

  6. yeah! i am going to rx the pants off this wod 🙂

  7. You go!!! Heavy barbells rock!

  8. Um so…..95 pound squat cleans are intense!! My body hurts all over!

  9. Is this workout supposed to be power cleans or squat cleans or is it optional?

  10. Squat cleans

  11. Great job to everyone at the 530 session.

  12. Well, I am icing the shoulder – the left one this time rather than the right. 4 squat cleans in and I was about to take a DNF after doing something awful to my shoulder…
    But how can you quit after watching Katie totally ROCK her workout with her 95# squat cleans??!! I mean, c’mon – I HAD to keep going! Everybody did an amazing job this afternoon. You are all my inspiration to never quit! And Katie, you are awesome!