_DSC0141 The double under-wall ball- rope climb workout. 

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

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  1. Wow! It’s been a long time since we did this.
    I love anything overhead. See ya tonight!
    Going to run afterwards. Probably the loop.

  2. Thanks, Pistol, for the Alt WOD (xena says somewhat sarcastically).
    Can’t imagine what it was like to do all of it outside under the hot Florida sun.
    Good job, 6am crew. I loved watching all your cars leaving the parking lot as I was running the last leg (xena also says somewhat sarcastically).
    Yay burpees!!!!

  3. LOL Xena.
    We did a 100 burpees on the beach last night and this morning one of the couples at breakfast said they were really impressed. They couldn’t believe how many we did. 🙂 I didn’t really realize anyone was watching since no one was on the beach, but they watched us do all of them from their condo as they ate crackers and cheese and drank wine. They complimented us on being great examples for our kids. Yup, Crossfit rocks.

  4. Way to go. I know you really did burpees since you said it and NOT Miguel.

  5. Agreed, I like Martine better than Miguel.

  6. Whit, it was great seeing you today!
    David, awesome job on your huge PR!

  7. Pistol – there is a good picture of you on the Dirty South website in the photos from the weekend. Page 8 picture 149.

  8. Austin McLean says

    Hmmm…I wonder what the guy on the right is thinking about 🙂

  9. Great job to the 530 group. Also, after months of struggling with OHS, something finally clicked. Big thanks to Brad for the coaching and corrections. In the words of the Jeffersons, I’m moving on up.
    Hope everyone has a great evening

  10. Good eye Austin…think I’ll hit him next time I see em!
    My pleasure Rainman…keep working on it. Nice PP Peebles.

  11. Strict Shoulder Press 100lbs.
    Thought I would do more but failed at 105.
    At least it was a PR.
    I love seeing Care Bear and Shandy! You guys did a good job.

  12. Pebbles,
    That’s amazing. 100 lbs. I’m always excited to read about your PRs.
    Note to self: Do not get in a fight with Pebbles.