 Thanks to all that came out for the cookout!  That was fun!

1000m row
20 Push Jerks (155,110)
20 strict chins
50 Box Jumps
50GhD Sit Ups
20 Med Ball Cleans (20,14)
20 Traveling Push Ups
100 yard lunge

One round for time.  Post to comments.

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  1. Fun cookout! Thanks Kim and Brad!!!!

  2. Absolutely a great time. Those of us stayed past 9:30 were in for a real treat.
    Ryan had a blast and is looking forward to the next party.

  3. I second that. Great party last night! Thanks Kim and Brad

  4. Campbell says

    Fun indeed. What’s up with the killer WOD today? I think I’ll run a 5k

  5. Brutal WOD to come back to….need a lung transplant. It was great to see a bunch of folks this am. Feels like its been months, doh?!, it has.