One the minute every minute until you reach 75 Sumo DL High Pulls:
10 Box Jumps
Max SDHP 95/65
Post time to comments.
Check out Event 1 of the Games:
For time:
210-meter ocean swim
Run 1,500m in soft-sand
50 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
100 hand release push-ups
200 Squats
Run 1,500m in soft-sand
Watch it live on ESPN3!
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I for one am very excited about the games.
Hadn’t seen the sdhp in a long time.
I hope this is not a repeat of the burpees, clean and jerks or cleans workout or it’s going to be a longgg morning.
HAGS see you the morning. Let’s get it!!
looking forward to mixing it up..see you at 7 am….sweet cheeks!!
Thanks for the informations. I am impressed by the quality of information you provide. Keep up the good work!Thanks for the informations. I am impressed by the quality of information you provide. Keep up the good work!
You can say that again.