TGI Friday! Happy Birthday Craig (Mr. Meatball)

Jacklyn pulls 225 for 5!



Overhead Squats 95/65



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  1. Yay Jacklyn. You’re awesome. Way to go.
    Happy Birthday Craigy Boo Boo Bear.
    This is one of my favorite WODs. Hate to miss it.
    Still in Savannah. be back Friday.

  2. Jenny Schroeder says

    Happy Birthday Craig!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. What is G-Gog’s fav WOD?
    Happy birthday Craig!

  4. Probably AMRAP Beer and CIgars….same as Brad

  5. Great morning classes!!! Lots of heavy shoulder presses and some great form on overhead squats! Way to go everyone……This is a good Friday WOD! I’m soooo ready for the weekend

  6. Happy Birthday DJ!!! Sorry I’ll miss it!

  7. Happy Birthday Mr. Meatball!

  8. Happy Bday DJ! Sorry to miss it!

  9. Still in Springfield for another day so I’ll miss the 5pm crew. I did the Monday HQ WOD at my hometown’s new CrossFit affiliate, CrossFit Instinct. Thanks to Molly and Time for the coaching!

  10. Thanks Pebbles. Shout out to the lunchtime crew from Wednesday. Big thank you to Brad and Kim Trego for being great people!! Couldn’t have gotten up without you, literally. LOL. Hope to see you all soon.

  11. Glad everyone but my wife wishes me a happy Bday!

  12. Thanks for all the Birthday wishes! Feel free to check out the party at my house Saturday night 9:30pmish. Send me an email if you need directions