Ten rounds for time of:
12 Burpees
12 Pull-ups
Post time to comments. Burpee Challenge day 9. Buy in 36 burpees. Attn: The partay at CrossFit North Atlanta has been postponed due to the birth of Little baby Harkey. However, it appears CrossFit Atlanta is having a costume party on the 25th at their new location. A costume is required and you should bring your own beverage.
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Alright…I like this one. Body weight WODs are cool. Ed will probably finish in 25 seconds …..
See ya at 8:30.
24 minutes flat. Burpees are fun!
Was going to come back to town today….not gonna now!
p.s. Burpees are NOT fun!!!!
18 minutes last time, shooting for sub 15 this time. Ed, I will be there this evening or are you gonna be there at lunch time?
11:30 Austin. My hands and shoulders are still worn out from Friday. Might be a good day for me or it might be pretty sad.
Oh well.
The 8:30 crew (Lynn,Joy,Fred,Nadler, Trego)was awesome. Thanks everyone for sharing pull up bands. Tough work out today. I was 23 something using a variety of red green and purple bands. I learned something though….. I AM NOT DOING THE BURPEE CHALLENGE> Although I have come to like them more, it is not something I want to do every day. I would rather give blood or something.Good luck to everyone doing that. I can’t imaagine each day after like number 60. YUK.
Can’t wait to hear your times Ed, Austin and Pistol You guys will rock this work out.
Nice to see you Brad!!!
My shoulder was hurting so I wasn’t able to do the ring dips for the warm-up. However, caused no problem on the PUs today, go figure. The PUs felt good today, The burpees definately sucked. I thought I could blast through the first 4 rounds, but after round 2 I was definately hating the burpees and going slow on them. 1st time doing this WOD.
As Rx – 13:39.
Wow, that’s awesome Ed..and 10 minutes faster than me 🙂 WTG!
Come on Pebbles – think about how good you’ll feel doing burpees all day long.
This workout looked like fun when I was watching the 8 30 class this morning, so my client and I did it together this afternoon instead of kickboxing. The workout was harder than it looks, but I feel great!! My time was 21 minutes 40 seconds. I was happy with that; I used the band of course but really liked this workout.. I hope Gigi gives it a chance, she might actually like it!! See everyone tomorrow!! Hagler
your sick Hagler…………..
One enjoyable WOD. Shoulders are still not there yet to do Pull Ups, but it was fun watching the rest of the crew.
Austin lead the way 18 or 19 something. Big Ed you are a freak to do this in 13 min… and I say that in the nicest possible way.
I think this should have been called: 5 rounds of pullups/burpees, and then 5 rounds of KB swings/burpees cuz the first 5 rounds of PUs ripped your hands open! The 5:30 crew knows what I’m talkin bout. Note to self: use more chalk.
I think this should have been called: 5 rounds of pullups/burpees, and then 5 rounds of KB swings/burpees cuz the first 5 rounds of PUs ripped your hands open! The 5:30 crew knows what I’m talkin bout. Note to self: use more chalk.