Sunday WOD – Happy Mothers Day!


Austin meets Diane.  I’m certain the pleasure was all hers!

Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

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  1. Kim…great job on the 15 muscle ups. I’m going to try to get to your gym this week.
    Do you work on Wednesday morning?

  2. Kim, was told that you did Fran in 4:14. Great job.
    You are officially in the freak category in my book.
    Happy Mothers Day to all Mommies.

  3. Awesome job Kim on the 4:15 FRAN. You will be in the 3’s real soon.

  4. Pistol aka Kim_CF North Fulton says

    thanks for the kudos guys! Amanda, Jpo, Whit & Sean rocked it too this morning! Amanda got 11 and some change for her first Fran! See you guys tomorrow.

  5. 4:14….that’s almost as scary as garrett’s nostils! Great pr kim,way to lead!

  6. Kim, I’m going to try and make it there around 10am on Wednesday. Would that work?