Sunday WOD


For time:
50 Burpees

Jump one foot above reach each rep.

Post time to comments.

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  1. I will be there at 9:00 this morning.

  2. Pebbles says

    Me too

  3. Thanks Kim for Ssoulder pressing with me. You did awesome. I got 100-115-105.I am happy witht hat but will go up next time fo sho!
    We did today’s WOD too. 50 burpess for time. Of corse Kim(3:16) beat me (3:48)but we both knocked it out in 3 minutes and something.
    Looking forward to a great week of WOD’s.
    See you tomorrow.

  4. Awesome workout today. I finally broke the 100 lb mark! Pebbles you ROCKED today! You are strong as hell! See you tomorrow!

  5. Great lifts today ladies!

  6. Sweet photoshop work on those pictures Kim