Sunday- WOD


5 minutes of Double unders
5 minutes of 95 lb Clean and Push jerk
3 minutes of Double unders
3 mintutes of 95 lb Clean and Push jerk
1 minute of Double unders
1 minute of 95 lb Clean and Push jerk

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  1. r u guys working out today? And…what is Balderdash??

  2. It’s my rest day!!! Brad needs to workout though.. Balderdash is a board game.

  3. No Cross Fit today?…ok will continue to put up our tree. See you in the AM Brad.

  4. We’re having paintball instead. Anybody up for it??? 1 pm

  5. owww! Negative on the paintball. Putting up trees too!
    Later taters!

  6. wow – I was sucking wind! – 173 (used two 25 lb. dumbbells for clean and push jerk). thanks Kim!