Sunday –

DSC_0010  It’s great to have Austin back in the gym!

SUNDAY 100613


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Kristan Clever 5:49, Becca Voigt 8:45. Post time to comments.

Compare to 091118

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  1. 10:32 Rx – new PR (12:39 Rx)

  2. Stringer killed it today!

  3. I am weight lifting at 7am if anyone wants to join. Back Squat, Bench Press, Chins.Wednesday same time, BS, Press and back ext.

  4. Stringer says

    8:32 RX…1 minute PR for me. Form wasn’t great, but the only thing that matters is I didn’t train SLOW…

  5. tomorrow at 7am

  6. Campbell says

    Nice job!