Five rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
135 pound Power clean, 12 reps
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps
Post time to comments.
Half naked on a beach…..need I say more? Get your butts in here!
Partayyyy this Saturday night at Cinco's at 7:30 to celebrate Stacy and Hicky's birthdays! All are welcome. Afterparty to follow at Hicky's house.
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That post just made me laugh..plan on coming in the morning.
Blake is looking 70’s Big with that cut-off tee!
What in the world is Caswell doing?
I think that’s between Caswell and Blake.
Sweeeeeeeet WOD! Bring it on!
Hilarious picture.
Me, too! I’ll be there tonight!
I meant to say tonight
I’m still too weak to type . . . . .
Great job 6amers, thanks to those who hung around for my finish . . . .
I’m still shaky . . . . .
Holy crap that was hard. 30:01. Those cleans got heavy after round 3. In this order I was smoked by Pebbles & Pistol (tied) and Breeze. (he cheated)
Pebbles and I tied but she had to wait for a bar several times so I’m pretty sure she actually beat me!!! Nice job to those that have suffered through this deceptively hard wod! Kudos to the 6:00am crew who knew when they saw sunlight that it was gonna be a long one! Go Hagler for going RX on this one!!
Way to go RX Hagler.Yea to everyone who did this. Tough!
I liked this WOD in a love hate kind of way. I am glad I got to do it at 11:30 instead of earlier cause it was COLD! I am happy with my time and I never say that, I always think I could have done better but this week I am 100% every minute and plan to keep it up. No excuses. I also am really loving my grain free dairy free diet. Valentines day will be 90 days which was my initial “test” time and I don’t plan to change a thing. Love eating this way!
Thanks for the kudos. I really appreciate it.
See ya tomorrow.
working out with meatball really made me step up my game this week…The 95 lb. power cleans made me nervous but managed to get them ONE AT A TIME!!! Actually enjoyed this workout…like the thrusters..can’t believe I am saying that…thanks for the shoutout pistol and pebbles and Meatball for keeping me on my toes…If you weren’t at the 11:30 class today…you missed Blake with his shirt OFF!!! and very sweaty….(Hope that brings some members back and not scare them off…)..G-dog and Breeze made the workout look easy…Rainbow Brite made a brief appearance as well today!!! looking forward to Saturday night…I have to bartend at Stoney but will join everyone at Hicky’s… time today…39:00 RX… I think..I miss scruffy, andy, and sammy…the NOONERS miss your energy…
your wife beat you=mancard revoked
Anybody looking for a new dog or a playmate for your current pet?? Come to Crabapple Knoll Veterinary Clinic on Saturday from 10-4 to adopt your Valentine’s Day love! These dogs/cats are already totally vetted and spayed/neutered and also have had human sponsors to socialize them and get them ready for new homes. I personally sponsor 2 of these great dogs–Ginger and Achilles. Go to to see all their pics!! Send your friends too—free food/beverage too! Located at 12604 Crabapple Rd. Alpharetta (on left before Blind Dog Cafe shopping center)
Dude, your wife ALWAYS beats you.
I have a 5 lb container of almond flour for you if you want it. 23.00 plus a couple dollars for the container or you can transfer it to your own and send that one back. It comes ins a huge bulk box do I divide it up.
I can have it for you at the gym tomorrow if you like.
Thanks Pebbles! I’ll take it. I’ll have Blake pick it up and will get a check to you. thanx again!