Nice form, Kyle.
1 Round for time.
800 m run
10 Box Jump/10 Thrusters/10 Burpees/10 Double Unders
400 m run
20 Box Jump/20 Thrusters/20 Burpees/20 Double Unders
200 m run
30 Box Jump/30 Thrusters/ 30 Burpees/ 30 Double Unders
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This is wrong!
Sooooooo glad we are out of town!
ah geez…hate to have to miss this one!! 60 burpees? pure insanity…….off to go krogering…..
trego’s – call later if you want to do a DIFFERENT workout today. This afternoon maybe? Bill is under the weather…he was hit by a major vodka virus.
Having Crossfit withdrawals. Is anyone playing tomorrow? Miss everyone. Hope to see you Sunday.
First I need to crossfit tomorrow and second this workout was a doozy but well worth it!
Merry Christmas Everyone!