Saturday WOD


"Ally’s Favorite"

20 box jumps/20 pistols
400 m run
20 thrusters/20 wall ball
400 m run
20 pull ups/20 clapping push ups
400 m run
5 man makers/20 lunges w/db
400 m run
5 db bears/20 push press
400 m run

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  1. OK is obvious that we all need to invite the Tregos out each Friday night so they don’t sit home and make up these insane bulls&^t WOD’s.Tell the truth, is there anyone out there who truly likes Pistols? (not including Kim Trego)
    See ya at 9am. I will be the girl dragging a@# up that hill as we run 400m each round!!!!

  2. I will be the one walking behind you…way behind you

  3. My day off, but have fun! This is the one that the hubby wanted to yak after…Brad liked the clapping push ups too!!
    No…pistols rank up there with any form of Burpees…S* factor 10!
    See ya’ll Monday
    p.s. Salmon in a parsley or pesto sauce cooked in a puff pastry tonight. Sauteed spinach with or without garlic. Roasted fingerling potatoes. Served with a chilled Pinot Grigio (TBD)

  4. "Cool Breeze" just as cool as the other side of the pillow! says

    Happy Anniversary Baby!!!!