
Saturday Team WOD courtesy of GND, Meatball & Hicky:

This is a two person team wod.  Only one person can go at a time, divide the numbers as needed.  

Three Rounds:

30 Hang Power Snatch 95/65
30 Ball Slams
30 OH db lunges
30 KTE
30 Box Jumps


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  1. This workout has been named “Shandy”

  2. Hey Everyone! Kim asked what everyone’s goals were on the post yesterday! It’s a good idea to throw them out there so we cal help each other stay accountable. We wrote ours down at the Trego’s and they are in bag above the fridge but I wrote:
    300lb DL (currently at 265)
    Get a MU before I turn 40 (June)
    135lb snatch
    155 lb Clean and Jerk
    Continue to eat Grain Free, Dairy FREE and continue to help my family get healthy this way too.
    Of corse I have many Crossfit goals everytime I walk in but these are big ones.
    The DLs have been my nemesis for 2 years and due to getting injured last year I don’t think I have really been able to work hard since about August so I am looking forward to being healthy again. I’m going to try pull ups and snatches this week and see how it goes.

  3. I think I forgot to mention to these girls that “Annie” in a team format is Shandy favorite workout…

  4. Or maybe the biscuit and coffee at Brad’s desk WOD.
    Nice WOD ladies. Good fun. I had terrible snatch form but it had been a while. Good job Meatball.
    It’s good to be back. Nice to see everyone in such good spirits and yes….I am giving up red wine for a while.

  5. Okay, my goals for 2010:
    * RX Fran. Doesn’t that say it all??? (I’m currently at 43 lb thrusters & purple band pullups)
    * 200 lb DL (currently at 178 lb PR)
    * Graduate to the blue box for box jumps
    * 10 unassisted pull-ups in a row
    * 10 DUs in a row (can’t even do one right now)
    * Continue to get leaner – no specific number goal for my weight. As long as I eat well & CF, then my body will figure out that number.
    * Eat Paleo 95% of the time
    And then there are the non-CF goals:
    * Get a full-time job
    * Start a graduate degree in Physical
    * Sell my house

  6. Goals 2010….
    * RX anything 🙂
    * figure out and maintain a regular CF; work and kid schedule
    * become stronger; leaner and lighter 🙂
    * find a church

  7. Can’t help with with 1-3, but First Baptist Woodstock is where I go and it is fantastic. I’m happy to have you join my wife and I some Sunday morning. I do go to Northpoint Church every once and a while for a change of pace, but its not the same.