Saturday – Good luck Bostic, JT & Andy!!!!


Stretch it out!


Seven rounds for time of:
5 Handstand push-ups
185 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
20 Double-unders

Scaled:  5 Rounds

Austin Malleolo 7:51, Kevin Montoya 8:58, Rich Fronning Jr. 9:14, Travis Holley 9:42, Rob Orlando 10:19, Laurie Galassi 10:36 (125lbs), Kristan Clever 10:40 (135lbs), Chris Gosler 12:15, Danielle Edmundson 13:08 (125lbs), Rebecca Voigt 13:29 (135lbs), Elyse Umeda 14:08 (125lbs),Heather Bergeron 14:09 (135lbs). 
Post time to comments.

Good luck to Jt, Bostic & Andy tomorrow at "The Ten" at CrossFit Dahlonega!!!

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