Open WOD 12.4!


ahh.. now here's most of the group at the Spartan Race!  Thank you Judy Beecham for taking the pics!  We have already signed up for a team for 2013!  Use code GA50 at checkout for a discount and select noon start time!

Workout 12.4

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:

150 Wall balls
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

Judging available at all class times except 6:30PM.


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  1. Holy wall balls batman, that sucked. Missed my goal number but still happy with my breathing. Big numbers on the board.
    Hagler I missed you today. It was good doing the wod with Stringer and Kevin but I was looking forward to seeing ya.
    Met Anna today, welcome and I look forward to working out with you.
    Not a bad day.