No 10:00am Class or Yoga today!



Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

Post time to comments.

ATTN:  No 10:00am class or Yoga today!

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  1. Totally brutal and my nemesis!!!! Each time gets better though. See you guys at 8 or 9.

  2. Great job to everyone at the 9am session.
    In addition, Kim, best of luck on your qualifier workouts. If sports betting was allowed on your chances of qualifying, well, let’s just say I would let it ride. You have been an inspiration to us all in addition to being one of the best coaches. Kick ass today.

  3. You guys did a really good job on a very tough WOD today. i was feeling your pain.
    Great to see you Sean. Nice to meet you Dave.
    Blake had the top male score at 30.05. 6 minutes faster than the top time on the board and he used a 24″ box. WTG. Hicky and GND and Rainman and Ben all did this WOD RX and had great times too. Hicky was the top female at 33 something.GND close behind.
    BUT BIG KUDOS to ALL who did this WOD. It is brutal and many of you have come SO FAR. Xena busted her A$$. Nice work.
    Pistol is doing awesome. The first WOD was 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
    105# power cleans
    chest to bar pull ups
    35# swings
    She did great at 20:07
    The second WOD was 1000M row
    50 thrusters at 45#
    30 pullups chin over bar
    9:27??I think
    The last is still to come…
    10 DL 185lbs
    50 DU
    this will be the first time she has done DU since injury.
    All videos from all athletes will be uploaded to vimeo by 9am tomorrow.
    Hope everyone is enjoying the sun and at a pool somewhere.
    Remember people…..tan fat is muscle 🙂