
"CrossFit Total"

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

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  1. austinmclean says

    Whats up its Austin, enjoying my 3 day weekend off post. man i love ocs 🙂 I was watching some CF videos on you tube and saw this video

    and watch how she does her muscle ups. never really thought of doing them that way to help people get the movement and strength. just thought I would pass it along!

  2. Nice video, Austin, great to have you back on the blog.
    Detrick, thanks so much for your coaching and help this morning! I increased my deadlift 1RM by 6 lbs (to 198) and my back squat by more than 20 (123 lbs today!) so my CrossFit Total for the first time doing it is 384. Not too bad, good base to keep working from.
    Good job on Helen this morning, Kim, Larry, and Amanda. It was nice seeing you again since I have not been coming to the AM classes lately.

  3. Good job this morning, JT & Miguel. Privilege to work out with both of you.
    Oh and one more thing, I want my Breeze and Pistol back!! Wahhhh . . . .

  4. Great job to Spider for getting the best “Helen” time ever at CFNF! I have a feeling Isaac is about to start tearing up the boards.
    Also, a big thanks to Heidi and Detrick for making the commute and helping out this past week.
    Classes tomorrow are the same (no yoga).
    DD your DB swings and squats look much better, keep it up.

  5. http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pcrknEpT4ox6py6ILsXEhPQ
    burpee/push up/ double under challenge continues
    I made up for some missed burpees yesterday.