Monday WOD


HQ WOD is Murph today but our pull up bars just got painted this weekend (whew!) so Saturdays HQ WOD will be posted at the gym. 

For time:
Run 800 meters
95 pound Shoulder press, 21 reps
Run 800 meters
95 pound Push press, 21 reps
Run 800 meters
95 pound Push Jerk, 21 reps

Post time to comments.

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  1. This will be interesting…a combo of my best and my worst.
    See ya at 7.

  2. gigi..burpee hater to infinity and Beyond!! says

    still sore as crap but will be there at 12:30.
    {{{off to grab a handful of IB’s}}}

  3. Great job 6am group.

  4. Good work out. Nice time Bab Bam. Great job on the running Xena.
    Gdog…awesome time at 19 something. Your shoulder presses looked so easy.
    See ya tomorrow.

  5. WOD today was easier than I thought. Running was not too bad, but the humidity was brutal.
    63 presses at 95 lbs is no joke.
    Thanks Breeze for the tip on the push press form.

  6. Great workout Squid! I bout kilt myself trying to keep up with you on those runs…damn hill!

  7. Was planning on being there @ 8:30, but that didn’t work, thought I could get there at lunch, but that didn’t work. Now, I could get there at 6:30, but I ain’t running in this Sh$**y weather!
    I know, I know….come and do the pushes anyway. We’ll see..

  8. Hicky ran in the rain!

  9. Yeah, but she’s tough!

  10. I ran in the rain yesterday too! Did Fight Gone Bad today. Felt like S#$%! Got 269. thanks breeze for pushing me on that rower!

  11. yeah, but you (breeze) KNOW she’s tough!

  12. Hicky is from the UK and it rains every 10 minutes over there so todays rain was nothing to her.
    Sammy I am on your side, I would not have run either.
    Kim: You probably had on a rain slicker, duck boots and a rain hat on when you ran….. Oh and you probably cheated at FGB today.

  13. 269! Kim, you beat me by one point!!! Nicely done… But I want a re-match!

  14. Gigi...Burpee hater..all forms and variations says

    Sammy…I quacked out today too. Have a ton on my plate trying to get the destin rental ready (hint hint everyone) and work too.
    be there tomorrow..or so i think…

  15. Looks like we might have a FGB off coming up soon….Oh yeah, we do have a FGB off coming up soon.
    Sounds like the gauntlet is thrown down! I love good competition!
    G and GG, thanks for having my back. Hail to the slackers!

  16. Very good to be back! I missed seeing everyone and missed working out. Had to do a wussy weight, but it was nice to do something! See you tomorrow!

  17. Hey Peggy! I was wondering where you have been. Glad your back.I am still at work, but plan to come in at the NEW 8:30am class tomorrow.Looking for the HQ work out now…..
    Awesome job on FGB ladies. You will be tough to beat on the 13th. Hate that we will miss it, but Garrett and I will definitely be in TN at an Autism Walk promoting our business launch! Yea!

  18. What time is it?!!! Game time!!! Three weeks till the challenge…NO MORE SLACKING!
    Think I’ll have another Stella….

  19. Thank you for letting me beat y’all today, I know it was because it was my first WOD back at the gym 🙂

  20. I know I can whip Stella at FGB! Spider can do even better!