Monday WOD


30 clean & jerks (heavy) for time.

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  1. Hey..It’s Harmony again! We were doin’ some BURPEES!
    Love doing the clean and jerks today. Should have gone heavier!See you tomorow. Love to see all the new classes added and I will be taking advantage of the 5:45am tomorw! 3 on 1 off 3 on!!! Balls to the Wall!

  2. cheri aka gigi, founding member of Crossfit N. Fulton says

    Can’t breathe…major sinus infection/cold from hell. I’ll drop by a little later but not for class. Just a little of this…little of that.
    I swear those grand gremlins get me every time!
    Carry on,
    Mrs. SN
    p.s. place is looking GREAT!!

  3. Christy I will be there is the morning…….Promise!

  4. Kim the Pistol says

    Is Harmony posing that calf muscle?

  5. Is that the same as cheerleaders?