Avery works out for her heart!
If today is not your rest day your WOD will be:
"The Burgie"
35lb db burpee-hsc thrust
pull ups
ball slams
Avery works out for her heart!
If today is not your rest day your WOD will be:
"The Burgie"
35lb db burpee-hsc thrust
pull ups
ball slams
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This is an example of a widget area that you can place text to describe a product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.
Click the Green SugarWod “WODS” Button on the front page to see the WOD! Share on Facebook
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So I am pretty sure here is what went down in the Trego house last night….
Kim:”Hey Brad, we need to make up the WOD for tomorrow”
Brad: “Yea, and you know our clients HATE Burpees”
Kim: Yea, I know, sooo let’s make them do burpees ……with 35# dunmbells”
Brad: “Sounds awesome to me. Make them do at least 50.”
Looks like my back helped me miss a good one!
We (Sammy, Sally and Ray) will be out this week in San Diego…..but no worries, we are going to let Crossfit kick our tails San Diego style. We’ll let ya know how CFNF compares to CFSD.
That cover cutie belongs to Kim M … she can’t wait to start at Crossfit … too bad she’s only 4 🙂
P.S. … you made her day!
I guess she’s gonna have to come do some more cute stuff so she can get on the website! Kim you smoked me today. I got 17:07 and was dying! p.s. Brad got the message.
Schweet!!!! Glad to see I missed this hideous WOD!! Now in B’Ham…be home tomorrow for 11:30 Kim??? Will call if I hit shittay traffic.
Mmmmm…remind me to tell you about Taco Pie…delish and EASY!!
What’s a “ball slam”? That sounds painful!
Brad says ball slams are like marriage counseling.