Sean got overserved a big slice of "Humble Pie" this weekend at the Atlanta Area CrossFit Affiliate’s Challenge. Are you ready for next weekend? Fight Gone Bad for Cushing’s. $25.00 donation required. Will be held at Sonz in Buford. Please inform us if you are attending as Sonz will need a headcount for food.
Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
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Just when you think you’re in shape, all it takes is a few minutes with you guys…haha!
155#. Thanks for oyur help Kim. Going to go up next time. The 25 squats caught up with me!
I want to look like that guy in the picture… What a great set of abs!!! I can’t get there fast enough, see u at 12:30… Hagler
Sammy, get that back feeling better soon. We need you Saturday.
245 today. Set the bar for breeze.
Oh my…:-)
Where have I been??
Bustin’ my booty to get in there today to have ya’ll bust my booty. After a week with a 15 month old, a 3 year old and a five year old…I’m even looking forward to burpees…..we’ll maybe just one!
I’ll try to be on time….key word…try.
What were the components of Saturday’s Cross Fit challenge? Thanks!
Charlie…95# barbell bears and pull ups. Much like last weeks WOD at CFNF.
Are you coming this saturday to FGB?
Sean, you’re breaking many a heart around here!
Pistol and Breeze – sorry I missed you guys this morning. From the way Sammy’s been hobbling around all day it sounds like a good call – he’s at the chiropractor as I write this…he did sign the waiver, right?
Hi Pebbles – I will miss Saturday’s fight gone bad as I will be running a trail “half marathon gone bad” that morning. What is a barbell bear?
Will miss you on Saturday. Good luck with the “half marathon gone bad thing”.
Barbell Bear= Start in deadlift position, squat clean, thruster, into back squat, shoulder press it back to the front and lower. It’s a big move. Tregos had s do 7 bears with 12 pullups x 5 rounds last week. Awesome work out. I used 65# not the 95# and it wore me out, but that is what we pay for right???
Sammy…feel better.
Spider…get in there and squat.
My back is broke! I guess you would call that a brokeback. I hope I can get back in game shape by Saturday. Doc said he had Trego’s batteries replaced when he did something similiar in 4 days…. here’s hoping I can heal as quickly.
Sean, while I have the latitude of a “brokeback”, don’t let anybody give you too hard a time. I would eat humble pie every day for every meal if it would get me a physique like yours! Don’t worry, the Crossfit will come easier for you than having a body like yours will come for me. I would trade my performance for your appearance anyday.
Speaking of brokeback…its’s about time for that Valentine video again of you know who Kim! heheheheh