Many thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting "A WOD with a Cause". Awesome event.
MONDAY 110314
Behind the neck Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Russell Berger: 265-275-285-295-300x-300x-300lbs.
Post loads to comments.
The CrossFit Games Open starts tomorrow! The WOD will be posted and you will have until Sunday to compete and post your time. We will be available for judging Wednesday evening at 6:30PM, Friday at 1:30PM and Sunday at 10:00AM this week. You will need to reserve a spot. Click on the Schedule link to sign up.
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I tried to sign-up this morning for Sunday at 10am, but was met with a selection option for payment. What do I choose?
Try it now, Ben. Tell me if it works. Thank you!
Thanks Kim~! Everything now looks to be in order and it looks like I am booked in for Sunday. Great stuff. See you at lunch.
Who wants to be team captain for the Open Team?
I can’t thank all the friends enough pictured above who came out Saturday to support WOD for a Cause. Ya’ll have HUGE hearts and I greatly appreciate you. Kim and Brad have done an outstanding job creating a family type atmosphere at CFNF – which at the end the of day is WAY bigger than any of the times posted on the whiteboard each day. I will keep you posted on all of our progress.
A special shout out to Sammy who took Kyle Maynard’s words to heart and really exemplified the “No Excuses” attitude. He competed in the first heat with guys who will be competing in the CF GAMES – the WOD beat him up good, but he never quit and gave every ounce of energy he had in him. Congrats Sammy!