Monday Rest Day


If today is not your rest day make up a missed workout or come see what’s on the board.

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  1. Whew. Tough for me. My squat cleans were pretty much a clean then a front squat. It got better at the end. Was a slug today but the rest of the 7am crew did great!
    21 something 95# squat cleans.
    My diet is showing up in my work out. No more beer at night and I am going back to strict block diet with weighing and measuring. Traveling lately has gotten me off of a good diet. I am back on as of now!!!

  2. Gigi...Burpee hater..all forms and variations says

    I am done…taking the day off…had to get out of bed at 4am to take ibuprofen. Even my armpits hurt….bad!! Off to the beach tomorrow so happy 4th everybody!!