Monday – Last day to complete the bracketology WOD.

Team CFNF representing at SIAD!  

3 Rounds:

400m run – 21 Box Jumps – 12 BW Deadlifts

Post time to comments.

If you've already done the bracketology WOD then:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Chest-to-bar pull-up
Box jump, 30 inch box
GHD sit-up – or weighted sit ups


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  1. Is this the second round bracketology wod? I did the hang snatch row wod.

    • you are welcome I buhogrt cookies to the wod this 6 am .you also were an amaxing date you looked HHHOOOTTT!!! in your dress and Im glad you finalyy got rid of the panty hose!!! youre too funny!!! This is totally our blog today Tiffers!!!!!

  2. Good job Saturday Bulls!!! You all looked very focused and it looked like you had fun!!! Michelle Perez took some spectacular photos!!

  3. Jenny Schroeder says

    The 8:30 crew is so nice, thanks for welcoming me in this morning. Mark feel better and rest up. Great job on Saturday cfnf teams it was a blast. Michelle thanks for the support and awesome pictures!!

    • Monday-Friday is great, routine in place, strcutured days/workouts/diet. Lots of momentum.Friday-Sunday- tougher for me,1.Diet: since most all social aspects of summer include drinks of some sort and often times bbq’s/happy hours, etc. Hard to work around lunch/drinks with clients.2. No designated workout time/routine on weekends, other distractions in place,trips, etc..I would say diet is the most challenging for myself by far- I always enjoy the workout process- but sometimes the true results have to come from what you are putting back in the body.In regards to other activities, team sports are great, but after growing up playing nothing but team sports- I have found that working out alone is like therapy for the mind whether it be in preparation for the day or after a long day of work. Great time for self thought. Also- after being around people all day- it’s nice to have MY time.Keep up the workouts and the writing.PB

  4. Great job today by all. Thank you for coming out to have fun. We are doing Schmalls next week at 11am. Please go to our FB page to sign up and dtonae your money. Have a great weekend.