Monday – Day 29 HSPU


WOD #4

AMRAP 12 Min:

6 Squat Cleans 135/95

12 Pull Ups

24 Double Unders

You have Monday and Tuesday to complete this WOD.

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  1. Brad, Kim,
    Are you guys doing open gym today? I couldn’t make it in this morning, wanted to see Noah on the bus, but can come in mid-morning to do the WOD. Have to be on the road just after 11.30am though to make my flight. Let me know.

  2. We will be here.

  3. come in at 9:30 if you can

  4. I’ll try

  5. Thanks to Pistol and Breeze for timing/counting and cheering me on this morning. 6rnds +3 Rx. Anyone who is still to do this needs to pace it. I flew out of the blocks and had two rounds done in the first 2 mins and change, then died. If you can pace it on the cleans likely you will do better.
    This wifi at 30,000 feet works pretty well. See you all at the weekend upon my return.