

Back Squat

1 X 5

Met Con:

50 double unders
10 strict pull ups
10 pistols (each leg)
40 double unders
8 strict pull ups
8 pistols
30 double unders
6 strict pull ups
6 pistols
20 double unders
4 strict pull ups
4 pistols
10 double unders
2 strict pull ups
2 pistols

Post load/time/complaints to comments.

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  1. Trey Kubacak says

    Loved the WOD, so I gave it a try this morning!
    Alternated Legs on pistols
    Should be making it to Georgia over the break!

  2. NIce to be back after several days off. Have to admit, i kinda missed the preacher’s warped sense of humor. This was a good WOD for re-entry. Off to Colorado on Wednesday. Hope my Crossfit training kicks in on the bunny slope.

  3. So you don’t miss me?

  4. Actually I was just getting ready to lament the absence of our community director, noting all the lack of postings over the last several days. It’s not the same without you and your girls:( But believe me, the 6am boys are panting for your return! Jus’ sayin’ . . . . .

  5. Good workout at lunch. Bostic, Breeze and I hit the WOD and I believe we were all inside 9 minutes. Static pull-ups caused me issues. Getting back into the lifting, so pleased about that.
    See everyone at lunch tomorrow.

  6. Back Squat 216 x 5.
    Decided to run the loop. It was chili and quiet….ahhh.
    Good job today Pistol. I think your the only chick that can do strict pull ups in our gym.
    Have fun in Colorado Xena.

  7. You were 7 something.

  8. ummm, “Murph” can do 5 strict pull ups in a row