

MONDAY 110523

Seven rounds of:
35 Double-unders
1 Snatch

Make one snatch attempt per round.

Kevin Montoya 4:18/1050lbs, Kristan Clever 6:45/1015lbs, Rebecca Voigt6:23/750lbs, Lindsey Valenzuela 8:32/960lbs.
Post time and total of all successful snatches to comments. Do not count missed reps.


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  1. What a sweet workout!!!

  2. Agreed Meatball…….This looks awesome. Hoping to get back in the game today.

  3. Xena and her torn/strained meniscus (damn you backwards running WOD!) are back! At least for today . . .

  4. Good News, saw Dr. Sadri and co today and had a good session. I am free to start lifting again as of tomorrow, which is good news and then I’ll see them again for a final session on Friday. I plan to take it slow again, but this is much better/quicker than the last time.
    See the lunch time crew tomorrow.